IPCC Forum

Post questions to our panel of experts Sticky

You are welcome to post questions here to our panel of experts. The panel consists of climate change experts involved in the IPCC process, as well as other professionals who are well versed with the climate change and development discourse in the African context.

Alternatively, you can engage in particular topics outlined in the questions below.

Does the AR5 provide a sufficient basis for Africa's response to climate change?

For example, does 5AR go far in addressing African issues?

Can Africa develop without increasing anthropogenic emissions? How?

There has been a lot of debate on green economy. How should Africa respond?

Does IPCC take into account Africa's diverse climate change situations and challenges?

From the Sahel to the river basins, from LDCs to more developed countries, from rural to urban settings and from coastal erosion to SIDS threatened by rising seas, does the AR5 sufficiently address this diversity?

Does limiting temperature rise to 2 deg work for Africa (some models suggest a more ambitious target for Africa)?

In terms of Africa's capacity to cope, it is said the continent is the most vulnerable. What target is appropriate for Africa?

What are the climate change opportunities revealed by the report for Africa?

The IPCC 5AR alludes to many challenges posed by the changing climate, but there are opportunities as well. Do you agree?

How accurate are the statistics used by IPCC in arriving at the conclusions about the African climate?

This is coming on the heels on the inescapable fact that most research findings on the continent of Africa are neither uptodate nor recent. 

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