African Climate Change Experts

Dr. Boram Lee Senior Scientific Officer World Climate Research Programme Climate Research, Climate Science, Meteorology
Mr. Ephrem Weledekidane lecturer and climate researcher Haramaya University Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Information Services, Climate modeling, Climate Research, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Emissions, Forestry, Green Economy, Meteorology, Mitigation, Technology and Innovations
Mr. MANDIAYE NDIAYE Senior librarian International Federation of Library Association (IFLA) Communities / Civil society, Information Management / Knowledge Management
Mr. Kyekyeku OPPONG-BOADI Director & UNFCCC FOCAL POINT Coalition Marocaine pour La Justice Climatiqueÿ Emissions, Energy, Forestry, Gender, Green Economy, Hydrology, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Infrastructure, Land use, Meteorology, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management
Dr. IRENE SUSANA EGYIR University of Ghana Sustainable Development
Ms. AJARAT BADA Director Other Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Economic affairs, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Dr. Raymond Jatta Lead Specialist: Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Economic affairs, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Forestry, Green Economy, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Dr. Siham Mohamedahmed Natural Resources Management and Agriculture Expert AFDB Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Blue economy, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate Justice, Climate modeling, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Economic affairs, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Emissions, Energy, Forestry, Gender, Green Economy, Hydrology, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Infrastructure, Land use, Meteorology, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management
Ms. Petronella biyela national coordinator Association for Environmental and Community Development Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Information Services, Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.)
Ms. Petronella biyela national coordinator Association for Environmental and Community Development Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Information Services, Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.)
Mr. Ibrahim Peghouma Senior Regional Energy/ Environment Officer UNHCR Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Forestry, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mrs. Hawa Nibi Amenga-Etego Executive Director Foundation for Grassroots Initiatives in Africa (GrassRootsAfrica) Climate Justice
Hon. Emmanuel Marfo member of Parliament/Principal Research Scientist CSIR Climate Policy and Governance
Mr. SALUMU MULENDA ADOLPHE DOUGS DR.Congo Climate Change Network Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Mr. Robin. Fola Mansaray Head, Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Ministry of Energy Climate Policy and Governance, Energy, Sustainable Development
Mr. SEKPA CHARLES DEKOULA Universite Felix Houphouet Boigny de Cocody-Abidjan Agriculture
Ms. Grace Sabiri Mageka Sisterhood For Change and Empowerment Center Agriculture, Blue economy, Climate Finance, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Gender, Green Economy, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Ms. Marie hélène Akira Syndicaliste / point focal changement climatique Congo (COSYLAC) AFRICA PARTNERSHIP ON CLIMATE CHANGE COALITION Climate Justice
Mr. Raymond Callist Ruyoka Advocacy Officer Reproductive Health Uganda Sustainable Development
Mr. KENNEDY MUTHEE CLIMATE CHANGE, ECOSYSTEM SERVICES, ECOSYSTEM-BASED ADAPTATION EXPERT Kenyatta University Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Research, Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Information Management / Knowledge Management, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Dalitso Chikoti Economist Poverty and Disaster Mgmt Affairs Commissioner for Disaster Preparedness, Relief & Rehabilitation Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Economic affairs, Mitigation, Programme Management
Mr. Yasir Elhag Renewable Energy Director General Minister of Electricity and Dams Energy
Dr. Christian Kenfack Sadem Other Climate Research
Mr. James Adamu Assistant Chief Meteorologist Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Information Services, Climate modeling, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Meteorology
Mr. E.Abraham Tumbey Jr NAP Project Manager United Nations Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. Bouh Moussa National consultant Department of Energy Energy
Mrs. HIND ABDAOUI Head of Hydropower Department of Energy Energy, Hydrology
Mr. Godwin Oritse African Model Forests Network Transport and mobility
Dr. Michael Wilson Bassey Independent consultant Agriculture, Energy, Sustainable Development
Ms. Bethel Mekonnen Student Addis Ababa Institute of Technology (AAiT) Infrastructure
Ms. Mairama Gnandou OUSSEINI GOVERNMENT Agriculture
Dr. Everisto Mapedza Senior Researcher CGIAR Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Forestry, Gender, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Peter Gayflor Mulbah Least Development Country African Representative Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Blue economy, Climate Finance, Climate Policy and Governance, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Emissions, Energy, Forestry, Gender, Green Economy, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Tijani Bojang Meteorologist Gambia Departement of Water Ressources (DWR) Adaptation / Climate resilience
Dr. Janice Golding Senior Programme Manager UNDP ? Regional Center for Africa Adaptation / Climate resilience, Communication, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management
Mr. Arthur Gar-Glahn Department of Meteorological service Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. Filie Lúcio Global Framework for Climate Services Climate Information Services
Mr. Dominique KUITSOUC CEEAC Adaptation / Climate resilience, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management
Mr. Farai Maguwu Director Centre For Natural Resource Governance Climate Justice
Dr. Richard Eba'a Atyi Center for International Forestry Research Forestry
Dr. Stephen Donkor Holland Africa Research & Development Ltd Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Blue economy, Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Hydrology, Infrastructure, Sustainable Development
Dr. chillasse lahcen Amis du Parc Ifrane Climate Research
Mr. Alvin Tofler Munyasia OXFAM Agriculture
Dr. Wilfried Pokam Mba University of Yaounde I Climate modeling, Climate Research, Climate Science
Mr. Emmanuel K. Dogbevi Ghana Business News Communication
Dr. Debalkew Berhe Tedla Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Forestry, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Agnon Arsene Donald Hugues AKE MinistŠre de l'Environnement et du D‚veloppement Durable Adaptation / Climate resilience
Dr. Dieudonne Alemagi Other Adaptation / Climate resilience
Mr. Mamadou Abdoulaye MBENGUE Civil Society Transport and mobility
Mr. Chipampa Chola Department of Energy Energy
Mrs. Ithar Ahmed African Youth Commission (AYC) Agriculture, Climate Policy and Governance, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Economic affairs, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Emissions, Energy, Forestry, Gender, Green Economy, Land use, Mitigation, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development
Mr. Rivonala Razafison Other Agriculture, Climate Justice, Climate Research, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Forestry, Green Economy, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Mr. Abdulazeez Musa Oxfam International Agriculture, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Gender, Land use, Programme Management
Dr. Holger Rogne KTH Royal Institute of Technology Economic affairs, Energy, Mitigation, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development
Mr. Charles Mulenga Zambia Centre for Environment and Climate Change Dialogue Climate Finance
Mr. Brezhnev David Paasewe Federation of Liberian Youth Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Mitigation, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Ms. Diana Kishiki Ministry for the Environment Adaptation / Climate resilience, Communities / Civil society, Forestry
Ms. Abigail Okpebhoko Civil Society Communities / Civil society
Mr. Dauda Ahmid Koroma The Needy Today Climate Information Services, Climate Justice, Climate modeling, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.)
Ms. Sophie Mbugua Media Group Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Finance, Communication, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Mr. Didier Hubert MADAFIME African Network of Environmental Journalists Communication, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Ms. Mawa Karambiri University of Helsinki Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Policy and Governance, Forestry, Gender, Land use, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement
Mr. Edmund Barrow Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Forestry, Gender, Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Henry, David Bayoh S/Leone Consortium for climate change and SD Adaptation / Climate resilience, Blue economy, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Forestry, Gender, Green Economy, Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development, Urban planning
Mr. Rodrigue Akohou Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Blue economy, Climate Finance, Climate Information Services, Climate Justice, Climate modeling, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Communication, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Economic affairs, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Emissions, Energy, Forestry, Gender, Green Economy, Hydrology, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Infrastructure, Land use, Meteorology, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations, Transport and mobility, Urban planning
Dr. Anthony Egeru RUFORUM Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Land use, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Dr. Daniel Nyanganyura ICSU Regional Office for Africa Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate modeling, Climate Research, Climate Science, Emissions, Energy, Meteorology, Technology and Innovations
Dr. Modathir Zaroug Nile Basin Initiative Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Information Services, Climate modeling, Climate Research, Climate Science, Hydrology, Meteorology
Mr. Alpha Oumar BAH Ministere de l'Environnement et des Forets Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Forestry, Technology and Innovations
Dr. Saliou Gaye NDOYE AGRHYMET Regional Center Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Finance, Land use, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management
Mr. KAMAL 'TAYO OROPO Other Information Management / Knowledge Management
Dr. KAMAYE MAAZOU Niger Climate Change Network Climate Research, Climate Science
Ms. Iliyana Arnaudova Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Climate Finance, Climate Policy and Governance, Energy, Gender, Mitigation, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development, Urban planning
Ms. Carolyne Tumuhimbise International Organization for Migration (IOM) Blue economy, Economic affairs, Transport and mobility
Prof. Kent Moore Other Climate modeling, Climate Research, Climate Science, Energy, Hydrology, Meteorology
Ms. Tikikel Alemu The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UNWOMEN) Sustainable Development
Dr. Ayansina Ayanlade Obafemi Awolowo University Adaptation / Climate resilience
Ms. Tallash Kantai International Institute for Sustainable Development Climate Information Services, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Communication, Green Economy, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Raymond Mugandani Midlands State University Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Information Services, Climate Research, Climate Science, Land use, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Mr. Billy Mwansa Lombe Africa Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC) Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Justice, Climate Policy and Governance, Communities / Civil society, Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Emissions, Forestry, Gender, Green Economy, Land use, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development, Urban planning
Dr. Armand Ketcha Malan Kablan Universite Felix Houphouet Boigny de Cocody-Abidjan Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Research, Climate Science, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Hydrology, Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development, Urban planning
Ms. Anne Hammill International Institute for Sustainable Development Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Prof. Imad-eldin Ali Babiker Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Information Services, Gender, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Mr. Mohammad Safi Ul Alam Youth Foundation of Bangladesh Agriculture
Dr. Barnabas Msongaleli Other Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Land use
Mr. Abraham Wate Minister of Foreign Affairs Climate Policy and Governance
Dr. Akinyele Eric Dairo UNFPA Communication, Communities / Civil society, Gender, Natural Resource Management, Programme Management, Sustainable Development
Ms. EDITH TIBAHWA COMESA Secretariat Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Climate Finance, Programme Management
Ms. Martha Negassa Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate modeling, Climate Research, Climate Science, Land use, Meteorology, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management
Mr. Michel Nkurunziza Rwanda Association of Science Journalist Communication
Dr. Yousra Abourabi University of Rabat NDCs / Paris Agreement
Mr. Ahmed Elnaggar Al Ahram Daily Agriculture, Economic affairs, Energy, Gender, Land use, Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Development
Dr. REGINA FOLORUNSHO Research Center Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Research, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Mitigation, Sustainable Development
Dr. Mathew ABANG Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Adaptation / Climate resilience, Agriculture, Programme Management, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Dr. Francis Otto RUFORUM Communication, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Technology and Innovations
Mr. Kahofi Jischvi SUY Other Agriculture, Communication, Forestry, Information Management / Knowledge Management
Dr. ABY DRAME ENDA Energie-Environnement-D‚veloppement Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Policy and Governance, Climate Research, Climate Science, Communities / Civil society, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Ecosystems (Forestry / Water / Wetlands etc.), Energy, Forestry, Gender, Information Management / Knowledge Management, Land use, Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, NDCs / Paris Agreement, Programme Management, Sustainable Development, Technology and Innovations
Mr. Abdoulaye Boubakar Diallo CONSEIL NATIONAL DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT POUR UN DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE Adaptation / Climate resilience, Climate Research, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Information Management / Knowledge Management, Sustainable Development
