Please note the following guidelines that have been adopted by the conference organisers for the parallel sessions:
All Power Point presentations will be limited to six (6) slides that cover the main problem being investigated (problem statement), the main approaches (methodology) and key messages (key conclusions).
The Power Point slides may have text and illustrations/figures.
Each presenter will be given a maximum of 10 minutes to deliver the key messages contained in their presentation with a special focus on the key results. This is aimed at creating more time for interactions between the experts and the audience.
All presenters will be seated at the podium (in a row) and take turns in delivering their key messages. At the end of their presentations, the moderator will open the floor for Q&A.
The moderator will use the last 10 minutes of each session to summarize the main points raised during the discussion.
Adherence to the program schedule will be strict. PowerPoint will be the only presentation format available. No overhead or slide projector facilities will be available.
Full papers
Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word in 12-point font, and should not exceed 15 double-spaced, A4 pages including figures, tables and references. Papers should include an abstract not exceeding 150 words, and the corresponding author’s full address.