IV. Green economy: which way for Africa?
Africa’s rapid economic growth since the dawn of the 21st century is largely attributable to the exploitation of its vast natural resources, exported as primary or semi-processed products to industrialised or rapidly industrialising countries. Can Africa afford to continue on a development pathway that degrades and diminishes the resource base, adds little or no value and provides limited or no opportunities for local communities to benefit from such resource endowments? To continue with this paradigm in the context of climate change would make the economic growth achievements of the past decade short lived, put future development at risk, increase unemployment and exacerbate poverty on the continent.
This sub-theme will invite experts and stakeholders to deliberate on the key factor for Africa’s natural resource management and the key major input factors for Africa’s economic growth and development — energy and its forests. How can Africa’s forests, with demonstrable global environmental benefits, be sustainably managed under national policy frameworks and REDD+? Confronted with the challenge of maintaining a growth momentum to achieve development objectives and address climate change, Africa needs to pursue a new development paradigm divorced from business as usual. Resource intensive growth with high levels of GHG emissions must therefore give way to growth that is resource efficient with low emission levels in order to maximise benefits accruing from African natural resources.
Given that Africa is still at the early stages of industrialisation, it has the potential to sidestep the detrimental development pathways of the past, take opportunities offered by clean technologies and climate finance, and pursue sustainable industrial growth that limits the environmental and social costs of industrialisation, and is at the same time resource efficient, socially inclusive and characterised by low carbon footprint.
Two imperatives are fundamental in this pursuit - technology and finance. The sub-theme will seek to generate debate among experts and stakeholders on opportunities for Africa to march towards a green economy. It will explore how Africa can benefit from available financial opportunities, including REDD+ and technology transfer mechanisms, to fast-track the transformation process. The sub-theme will also address the challenges that may inhibit Africa’s transitioning to a green economy, and the options available to address them.
V. Is the global climate change framework working for Africa?
Africa has engaged actively in the UN climate negotiations since the inception of the UNFCCC. Following the disappointing outcome of the 2009 Copenhagen Conference, the UNFCCC process regained some momentum at meetings held in Cancun (2010) and at the “African COP” in Durban (2011), which launched new negotiations under the Durban Platform towards a new climate agreement by 2015 (Work stream I), as well as a process to close the ambition gap (Work stream II). At the 2012 Doha Conference, parties agreed a set of decisions dubbed the “Doha Gateway”, agreed to launch a second period of commitments under the Kyoto Protocol and concluded negotiations under the Bali Action Plan.
While the UN climate change negotiations have made some important progress, questions remain about the direction of that progress and whether that progress is significant enough to safeguard Africa’s development interests. This sub-theme will explore the question whether the global climate change framework is working for the African continent. It will attempt to draw conclusions as to whether Africa still needs to engage in the global frameworks and whether alternative spaces exist for Africa-specific policy dialogue. It is worthy of note that during 2013, atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions exceeded 400 parts per million, the highest level in millennia. Scientists reckon that with the current trajectory of GHG emissions, the world is on course to a 6 degrees centigrade warming. With these projections, if no major global efforts to keep warming below 2
5. Conference format
The first day of the CCDA-III conference proceedings will feature a high level plenary session where ministers and prominent climate change experts will set the conference tone on vexing climate change issues in Africa, followed by a plenary presentation by one main speaker for each of the conference sub-themes. Participants will have opportunity to engage the panelists and presenters in both of the foregoing two sessions.
To open up space for profound discourse on the specific climate change tracks indentified in the sub-themes, the second day will be dedicated to five parallel sessions. The content in each track will be delivered through PowerPoint presentations, moderated by a carefully selected authority in the sub-theme.
6. Other key events
Other activities have also been planned to explore emerging issues and build capacity of stakeholder in their role of responding to climate change effects. It will also help to showcase African adaptation and mitigation creativity and create opportunity for partnership formation. Specifically these include:
The planned pre-events include:
Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA), Mary Robinson Foundation, World Resources Institute (WRI) in collaboration with ClimDev-Africa will convene a pre-event entitled “Climate Justice Dialogue: shaping an equitable climate agreement responsive to Africa”.
Gender and climate change: Co-organized by ClimDev-Africa, South Africa Development Cooperation (SADC) and the ECA capacity development division to focus on equity, gender equality and women's empowerment in the context of climate change;
The role of civil society in climate change : training on the role of civil society in promoting mainstreaming climate change in community development activities and planning;
Media and climate change: Capacity building of journalists on reporting, advocacy and awareness raising on climate change and development;
USAID/ACPC local level adaptation strategies pre-event: to focus on building critical mass of climate change expert through supporting young fellowship program;
Pilot countries pre-event: to share experience, best practices in upgrading meteorological and hydrology observation network management and dissemination of climate information.
Farmers and cooperatives on climate change.
Side Events
Synergies between the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET) and related Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology (Weather and Climate Services). This side event will hosted by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of climate change and development programmes, hosted by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and ClimDev-Africa programme.
Climate change, youth and development, facilitated by ACPC and its partners.
In addition, there will be exhibition space featuring local, national, sub-regional and continental initiatives, organizations and government offices to showcase climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. It will also provide participants and exhibitors with an excellent opportunity to network and exchange ideas regarding strategy to cope with climate effects.
Annex I
The theme of CCDA-III Conference is Africa on the Rise: Can the Opportunities from Climate Change Spring the Continent to Transformative Development?
This year, the structure of the CCDA is as follow:
Session I: Opening ceremony:
Welcoming Remarks
UNECA: Dr. Carlos Lopes, UN Under Secretary-General and UNECA Executive Secretary
AfDB: Dr Donald Kaberuka, President of AfDB
AUC: Dr Nkosazana Zuma, Chairperson of AUC
Opening Speech:
H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn, Prime Minister, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Session II: High Level Dialogue on “Can the Opportunities from Climate Change Spring the Continent to Transformative Development?”
Potential Panellists (TBC):
Rwanda Minister of natural resources
Tanzania Minister of Environment
The Gambia Minister of Fisheries and Water resources
Seychelles Minister of Foreign Affairs or Natural Resources
Congo Minister of Economy, Forestry and the Environment
French Minister -Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mary Robinson
Norway Minister (TBC)
European Union head of delegation in Ethiopia
Session III: Sub-themes
Sub-theme 1: What is the value of climate services: science, data and information in Africa’s development?
Topic 1.1: African Climate Science Research: Lessons learnt and new frontiers
Topic 1.2: ClimDev - Africa Pilot Climate Service Projects
Topic 1.3: Leveraging Global Initiatives to Enhance African Climate Services
Sub-theme 2: How can climate policies build effective resilience to the impacts of climate change in Africa?
Topic 2.1: Agricultural and Food Security Policies and Climate Resilience
Topic 2.2: Loss and Damage in Africa
Topic 2.3: Is Scientific Evidence Sufficient for Formulating Effective Climate Resilient Policies?
Sub-theme 3: Climate finance: what are the unexplored options?
Topic 3.1: ClimDev-Africa Special Fund (CDSF)
Topic 3.2: Multilateral funding mechanisms
Topic 3.3: Domestic Sources of Climate Finance
Sub-theme 4: Green economy: which way for Africa?
Topic 4.1: Energy
Topic 4.2: Forestry and REDD+
Topic 4.3: Green economy opportunities for Africa
Sub-theme 5: Is the global climate change framework working for Africa?
Topic 5.1: Why is Africa Still at the Negotiation Table?
Topic 5.2: Key Issues and Positions in COP 19
Topic 5.3: The Post-2020 Regime – Form, Content and Implications for Africa